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life pixels



Born in '86 and raised in Rome

Academically grown in Milan

Professionally strengthened in Milan, London, Berlin

Currently settled in Munich

Current role

Lead Industrial Design @ Air Up

Out of office

Motorbike, dry asphalt and a crisp sunny day

A nice trekking/skiing on the Dolomites

Flight ticket heading to a new place to visit

Cinema, sci-fi movie and pop corns

Crosswords and a fresh juice on the beach




So far.

I completed a design related education with honors and gained 12 years of professional experience in product design development.


I followed dozens of exciting projects in internationally-known firms from scratch to manufacturing, in the latest 4 years as Project or Team Lead with small teams.


I mainly designed furniture and consumer products, but also consumer electronics and interiors for the private and contract sectors.


At least 15 of the products I’ve been working on are available in the market, some of which have been awarded, some others are still on their way to the market.


I know and understand manufacturing processes and their limitations, and I design accordingly. When I don’t know about something: I ask, I learn, I do.


I listen to my colleagues/team, I share my thoughts, and I collaborate,
but likewise I am able to work independently, if needed.


I bring a task until its end, reacting to roadblocks of a project in a realistic and timely manner. The aim is to solve problems, not argue about them.


I have a hands-on mentality: whether with 3D printing or rough mock-ups, I like to understand how something looks/works out of a screen.


I have a “why not” approach: I like to challenge the status quo to reach innovative solutions according to the project.

Career projcts

career projects

Personal projects

personal projects



For any further enquiry, please don't hesitate to reach me out at

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